Parables & the Enneagram by Clarence Thomson
Our reactions to events are often metaphorical, conforming to a pre-set "scripts" that help us to filter reality and maintain our daily world. Thomson's book shows that these scripts are necessary for us, inducing a kind of waking trance state that makes us see ourselves and reality in a particular way.

Our reactions to events are often metaphorical, conforming to a pre-set "scripts" that help us to filter reality and maintain our daily world. Thomson's book shows that these scripts are necessary for us, inducing a kind of waking trance state that enables us to see ourselves and reality in a particular way.

Thomson applies specific parables to each Enneagram style so that the reader can break their trance of the world and expand the limits of their personal script. For Thomson's songs go here For his Home Study Course go here

Table of Contents
Introduction: Breaking the Trance
1. Ones: Virture Is Its Own Reward
2. Twos: Love's Labor Invested
3. Threes: High-Performance Engines
4. Fours: The Universe Loved You Better
5. Fives: A Very Private Eye
6. Sixes: Some Sentries Carry Guns
7. Sevens: Deny Everything and Keep Moving
8. Eights: The Affectionate Tank
9. Nines: Sleeping Beauty
Select Bibliography



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