Price: $12.95
Weight: 0.5 lb.








Easy Enhanced Learning
By Carol Erickson, L.C.S.W., M.F.C.C. & Thomas Condon  

Better Concentration 
Increased Self-Esteem 
Deepening Intelligence 
Rapid Enjoyable Learning  

This tape will help you learn faster and retain more of what you learn. It is designed for students of all ages regardless of the topics or tasks you want to master.
For students in school the tape can heighten concentration, enhance study habits, and increase self confidence. It also works well for occupations where the rapid assimilation of new information is crucial to success. 

    "Thomas Condon and Carol Erickson's(Milton Erickson's daughter) Multi-Evocation tapes are the most amazing 3-D and dreamlike sounding tapes we've heard. They contain rich entertaining metaphors so that you can use them often without boredom. True double-induction, excellent technical quality-these tapes have the edge over the others." - Anchor Point 

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