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Price: $69.95  
Weight: 3.0 lbs.  
6 cassettes and
a 70 page workbook





















The Expanded Intuition Training Tape Series   
by Thomas Condon   

Tapes to help you:  
* Have fast dependable access to intuitive information   
* Find guidance for decision making    
* Correctly judge and forecast    
* Develop your inner life   
* Understand and improve your  relationships   
* Challenge the limits of the possible  

This tape series is based upon Thomas Condon's Expanded Intuition Workshops. It offers comprehensive and practical training in the use of intuition in your personal and professional life.

Expanded Intuition Training combines a unique set of elements: Ericksonian Hypnosis, Multi-Evocation, 3-Dimensional Sound Effects, taped exercises and a workbook. It presents a wide range of tools and proven techniques for developing your natural intuitive abilities. 

The tapes and work-book will teach you how to: 
* Identify your own "intuitive style" 
* Allow intuitions to come through for you  
* Know which signals to look for and trust 
* Ask questions and receive guidance 
*  Have intuitions on demand 
* Get quality information for any purpose

Each tape can be purchased individually and is good for $13 off the price of the series (up to $69.95).

Click on title for individual tape description:
TAPE 1: Opening Up To Intuition
TAPE 2: Practical Intuition
TAPE 3: Blocks To Intuition
TAPE 4: The Ultimate Library
TAPE 5: Your Intuitive Guide
TAPE 6: Using Your Sixth Sense  
Intuition Series Reviews

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