Price: $12.95  
Weight: 0.5 lb.





Natural Self Confidence

By Carol Erickson, L.C.S.W., M.F.C.C. & Thomas Condon 

*Reaching Your Goals    
*More Personal Power    
*Enhanced Self-Esteem  
*Deep Inner Confidence  

A beautiful inspiring tape that offers a natural setting where you can experience the depths of confidence within your unconscious mind. We recommend this tape to people new to Multi-Evocation. Natural Self Confidence continues to be one of our best-selling tapes.  

"Multi-Evocation hypnosis tapes are packaged beautifully and priced substantially lower than other tapes. They are soothing, comforting, relaxing and interesting. Natural Self Confidence is particularly recommended; it's a beautiful multidimensional achievement!" - Megabrain Report

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