Price: $12.95
Weight: 0.5 lb











Quick Stress Busters
By Carol Erickson, L.C.S.W., M.F.C.C. & Thomas Condon  

Fast Relief from Reality 
A Better Frame of Mind 
Distance and Perspective 
Relaxation & Refreshment 

This tape contains four brief trance experiences that can be easily incorporated into the most hectic schedules. These mini-trances are meant to be a little "island of peace" for times when you need fast relief in daily life.

Each trance is complete in itself and is different from the next. One takes you on a short vacation to a tropical resort, another is a trip to a mountain meadow, another takes you to a deeply peaceful inner state. There is even a neck and shoulder massage in amazingly lifelike 3-D sound.
An excellent introduction to Multi-Evocation. 

"Multi-Evocation audiotapes are the most sophisticated and effective hypnosis tapes I've ever heard. As a somatic therapist, I highly recommend them to my clients."
- David Bersin, M.A., Author of Relaxercise, Past President of The Feldenkrais Guild of North America

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