Price: $12.95  
Weight: 0.5 lb.





Self Hypnosis
By Carol Erickson, L.C.S.W., M.F.C.C. & Thomas Condon  

Fresh Perspectives  
Setting New Goals  
Reducing Your Stress  
Strong Positive Changes  

For a relaxing time out. This tape takes you to a magical place that can be anything you want it to be. For stress reduction, goal setting, enhancing inner resource states, and getting fresh perspectives.  

"Based on the tapes you have already produced, I don't even have to think twice about ordering new tapes. Natural Self Confidence and Self Hypnosis continue - after more than two years - to be a major inspiration for me. I am always delighted to hear something new each time I listen. Great stuff, folks!" -Bob Ruhl - Carpenter 

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