
The Uninvited Dilemma: A Question of Gender (Revised Edition)

by Kim Elizabeth Stuart 
The Uninvited Dilemma is different from other clinical studies on transsexuality - it represents years of carefully constructed research involving in-depth interviews with transsexuals plus conversations with members of the medical and mental health communities. A myth-shattering exploration of one of the most misunderstood aspects of humanity. 

The Uninvited Dilemma: Research Supplement 
Contains the statistical data on which The Uninvited Dilemma is based, including the interview questions about the individuals' history of family, relationships, education, career, health, personal opinions, and sexuality.
ISBN 0-943920-25-6 $14.95 GBC Bound 1.5 lb. 


$12.95 / PB / 1.5 lb.

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