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NEW 2010 Demonstration Series

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Videos Available to Order:
Anchoring is a powerful, easy-to-learn NLP technique that when applied to the Enneagram related difficulties can make a significant difference to fixated or compulsive behavior. This demonstration-with a Five-is comprehensive, self-explanatory and dramatic.

Working With A One (1995)
This demonstration reveals the Oneish need to live up to an ideal and its social consequences. It also explores how to have more choices and flexibility around the issue of being good.

Working With A Two (1995)

A Two works with Tom on how to separate the role of being helpful from her desire to truly care for others. The demonstration also shows how to work with unconscious imagery and homework assignments.
 Working With A Three (1995)

This video demonstrates the "visual squash," a technique for integrating conflicts, specifically applied to the Three conflict about success and failure.

 Working With A Four (1995)
Focuses on the Fourish problem of self-rejection. Using reframing and "therapeutic frustration" Tom helps a Four get in touch with her own sense of power and responsibility.
Working With A Five (1995)

This video is more interview-like, exploring the Five tendency towards social fear and how to develop the capacity to self-assert.

Working With A Six (1995)

Tom shows a male Six client how to reverse projections, reclaim his power and grow more comfortable making his own decisions and choices.

Working With A Seven (1995)

This demo explores the Seven tendency to self-jail which leads to their compulsive need for multiple options. The focus of the changework is on how to have more choices in the first place.

 Working With an Eight (1995)
A sensitive interview, particularly helpful for understanding the vulnerability that hides behind the forceful defenses of many Eights.
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Working With A Nine (1995)

Tom works with a Nine on her feelings of non-being and demonstrates how to find the self that hides inside a Nine's defensive fog.

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Excerpts of these videos on You Tube     
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